CeBIT 2004 gallery online

Now I’ve entered the captions of my CeBIT 2004 gallery :)

Let me point out once again, that i’ve uploaded all of the pics i’ve taken (“as is”) – no matter how bad their quality may be. I’ve just muted and converted the short movie captures (which can be found at the end of the gallery). I hope you don’t mind about their “suboptimal” quality- it’s rather impossible to avoid camera shake if the cam is as small as mine.. Some pictures are very blurry too (I probably caught the wrong focus mode).. To my excuse, I’m neither a photographer nor a film director (yet ;).

I’ll add a link to Stephan‘s pics, as soon as he put them online. He’s also taken some pictures on behalf of me as my cam’s rechargeable battery ran out of power on the second day (probably due to me taking “too many” 30fps movies ;).

two new feeds

it’s amazing.. blogs are all around :> i think i just found the blogs of fabian [1] and dani (i’m not so sure whether this is his blog though) i’ve met today at the icu “stamm” . supposed i’m right [update 20040318: confirmed, thx], i’ll add them to my blogroll..

[1] ..and his interesting web site: (thx to ben for hints ;)

mt-3.0, the spam buster?

i’ve just deleted three blogspam comments that were posted within a couple of hours. that’s the highest blogspam rate i’ve experienced so far. as mt-2.661 only features some minor anti-blogspam functionality, i have the slight hope that mt-3.0 will offer a better blogspam-protection, as promised.

else i’ll might want to install wordpress instead. wordpress offers almost the same features as mt but is less popular and therefore probably less attractive for spammers.

[update 20040322: today i’ve deleted another 8 blogspam comments which took me more time than deleting the five spam mails i’ve received (spamassassin trashed 49 of them)]

let’s move on :)

hm.. what about starting an experimental video/film project? i’d love to shoot films for sure :)

i’d particularly like to experiment with shooting in 3d, unfortunately i lack the gear for it (difficult to get, mostly custom-built cameras, not feasible). however, for a start, two dimensions might be more appropriate anyway.. tiny, loosely related video snippets, arranged to form experimental episodes.. that would be interesting :) eventually in videolog-style? mix-in others’ snippets? fascinating possibilities..

i think i’ll keep this “changelog” till this experimental idea takes shape.. first of all, i need to find some time (-> new year’s pledge? ;)

happy new year!

temporary downtime

this server will be temporarily down as i’m migrating its docroot to another location. thanks for your understanding.

[update: fortunately, the server was down for a few seconds only -> apache restart ;)]

msn messenger and icq

i’ve just re-activated my msn messenger account. contact me as h2o_ch AT or use icq: uin 196122009 (h2o). i now use both msn messenger (6.1) (need to check out the video chat/conference feature) and the latest development version of sim (which offers im interoperability with icq, aim, msn, jabber etc.).

first i had login problems which was caused by /me still having msn messenger v4.7 on my notebook. somewhat astonishing, as i regularly use windowsupdate. i’ve thus just sent a customer request to include messenger updates in windowsupdate. i suggest you do the same..

Handing-over of Borland Together ControlCenter UNIZH Site License Management to the IFI

I’m pleased to announce that the management of the Borland Together ControlCenter UNIZH site license has been handed over to the IFI. Many thanks to Beat and Daniel for their kind and unbureaucratic willingness to care for the continuation of the license management. Future license management is thus up to the IFI which may imply some changes in handling, service and availability.

During the transition period, you will still be able to request your copy of the site license key file from this site. After the transition period, you will automatically be forwarded to the new site (please update your bookmarks).

Happy coding and modelling! :)


a) was way too unreliable and sluggish. i thus replaced it by the previous simple but reliable and fast link list. my suggestion to the blogrolling-gang: use active tracking of changes instead of just relying on pings.

b) added a new plugin called simplecomments. it treats trackbacks (“pings”) as comments which makes it handy for creating “last comments/pings” listings. the relevant code on this site is:

<div class="sidetitle">
Latest comments/pings
<div class="side">
<MTSimpleComments lastn="5" sort_order="descend">
<a name="trackback-<MTPingID>"></a>
 » <b><a href="<MTPingURL>"><MTPingBlogName></a></b> 
 (<a href="<$MTPingURL$>"><$MTPingTitle$>..</a>)<br />
<a name="comment-<MTCommentID>"></a>
 » <b><$MTCommentAuthorLink$></b> 
 (<a href="<$MTEntryLink$>"><$MTEntryTitle$>..</a>)
</MTCommentEntry><br />

c) added a category archive and a listing of category mappings for each entry. further added some numbers for counting entries per category and per month.