SuSE 9.1 on my TabletPC again

I wiped Debian Unstable for SuSE 9.1 again as a) Debian’s documentation is way too outdated for my taste and b) I couldn’t make friends with its strict distinction between free and non-free software (they wrongly think that GPL is the only free thing in the world. In fact, when talking about licenses, even BSD style licenses are more free than the GPL). The installation went flawlessly and the nice thing about SuSE is: You actually don’t need any documentation as (almost) everything works out of the box :)

Very good service, at last

Philips replaced my broken 170B TFT screen by a superior 170B4 TFT screen. It even features a mic and loudspeakers I didn’t have before :)

The replacement process wasn’t straightforward (first, they sent me a 170B TFT that had another defect ;). Nevertheless they were keen to offer good customer service (3 year on-site warranty is extra-ordinary. And they were quick too!). Will buy Philips again.

uLink sketches

I’ve quickly made a couple of proposals for a uLink logo (login and pwd are the same as for the member section of the icu-web) with the help of my TabletPC. I won’t have the time to follow up that matter and create a professional logo (vector graphics, correct CMYK colors, correct proportions and measurements etc.), but I’ve put all my files under the creative commons attribution 2.0 license. Hence you can use them for whatever you want, including derivative work (e.g. a professional logo as mentioned above), as long as you give me some credit for the graphic(s) you used as a basis.

No more HTML-ONLY mail

If you send me an e-mail message, please make sure it is in TEXT-ONLY format. All mail in HTML-ONLY format will be marked as SPAM and therefore remain unanswered (messages containing both HTML and TEXT should pass though). Likewise, ANY mail with more than 80% blank lines will be considered as being SPAM.

Thanks for your understanding.

renamed mt-comments.cgi script

blogspam is just way too annoying (mt users particularly suffer).. let’s see whether the “pareto solution” works for fighting blogspam. at least for a while, hopefully..

so, as a quick’n’dirty fix i’ve renamed mt’s comment script. please notify me if you experience any problems due to this (does posting comments using your aggregator still work? feel free to test it here)

btw. are there any other (i.e. really good and viable) solutions against blogspam?

blogspam, closed threads/postings, xml/rdf

i had to close certain threads/postings (i.e. comments can’t be added anymore) due to repetitive blog spamming. i’m sorry for that, but at the moment, this nasty work-around is the only way to cope with blog spam.

i’ve been notified (thx ben) that my xml/rdf feed is bogus. i’ll check it. i haven’t noticed this yet as i don’t use any news aggregator so far.