a) blogrolling.com was way too unreliable and sluggish. i thus replaced it by the previous simple but reliable and fast link list. my suggestion to the blogrolling-gang: use active tracking of changes instead of just relying on pings.
b) added a new plugin called simplecomments. it treats trackbacks (“pings”) as comments which makes it handy for creating “last comments/pings” listings. the relevant code on this site is:
<div class="sidetitle"> Latest comments/pings </div>
<div class="side"> <MTSimpleComments lastn="5" sort_order="descend"> <:MTSimpleCommentIfTrackback> <a name="trackback-<MTPingID>"></a> » <b><a href="<MTPingURL>"><MTPingBlogName></a></b> (<a href="<$MTPingURL$>"><$MTPingTitle$>..</a>)<br /> </MTSimpleCommentIfTrackback> <MTSimpleCommentIfComment> <a name="comment-<MTCommentID>"></a> » <b><$MTCommentAuthorLink$></b> <MTCommentEntry> (<a href="<$MTEntryLink$>"><$MTEntryTitle$>..</a>) </MTCommentEntry><br /> </MTSimpleCommentIfComment> </MTSimpleComments> </div>
c) added a category archive and a listing of category mappings for each entry. further added some numbers for counting entries per category and per month.