JBoss and JOnAS on Gentoo, Debian and SuSE

Gentoo 2004.1:

* emerge jboss. Note that the directory layout of JBoss on Gentoo differs from most other distros’ and JBoss’ official layout (you’ll thus need to adjust a couple of ant variables to make the examples work).
* There isn’t any ebuild for JOnAS yet. Install it manually or – better – write an ebuild.

SuSE 9.1 (Professional):

* There are rpm packages both for JBoss and JOnAS. Rpmseek: JBoss and JOnAS

Debian Unstable:

* apt-sources for JBoss
* There aren’t any apt-sources for JOnAS. Create your own deb of JOnAS and become a package maintainer.

Virtual wanderlust

Currently my favorite radio livestream: Mountain Apple Company (home page). Add the web-cam of your choice, e.g. Maui Sheraton Resort, Ka’anapali, Maui Westin Resort, Ka’anapali, Charley Young Beach, Kihei, Napili Bay, Napili.. etc., mix a Blue Hawaii or a Pina Colada and enjoy a virtual sea breeze of holiday feeling on a rainy working day in Switzerland (or anywhere else as rainy as Switzerland).

Not the real thing, but better than nothing :/

Don’t like it? Just choose another virtual wanderlust destination..

Hellas and Jimmy Jump

Greece defeats Portugal 1-0 in the Euro2004 finals and is the new football champion of Europe! Kudos, they really deserve it (although I strongly favor offensive instead of defensive football tactics)! Good team-play, excellent tactical discipline, very high efficiency, a strong will and yet very likeable modesty. And of course ‘König Otto’ Rehhagel, a clever and talented coach! What a nice “forward pass” for the upcoming Olympic games in Greece!

Embarrassing situation during the finals for the organizers of the Euro2004: A man known as Jimmy Jump managed to break the (obviously weak) security barrier and run onto the field. Imagine what could have happened if he wasn’t just out for harmless fifteen minutes of fame..

[Update 20040707: Those who came here searching for “Jimmy Jump”, “Jimmy Jump video” etc. etc.: See the comments below for some more information.. feel free to post other resources in the comments section too]

BTW I’d wish the Swiss football team had some lessons in Greece ;) For the future, particularly with regard to the World Cup 2006 in Germany and the Euro2008 in Switzerland and Austria, I hope the amateurish top-management of SFV will be forced to resign soon, and Christian Gross be nominated as the new coach to replace Köbi Kuhn (the first will eventually, the latter probably not happen – unfortunately). Roger Federer, who successfully defended last year’s victory in Wimbledon today, did a much better job than “unsere Nati” :)

SuSE 9.1 on my TabletPC again

I wiped Debian Unstable for SuSE 9.1 again as a) Debian’s documentation is way too outdated for my taste and b) I couldn’t make friends with its strict distinction between free and non-free software (they wrongly think that GPL is the only free thing in the world. In fact, when talking about licenses, even BSD style licenses are more free than the GPL). The installation went flawlessly and the nice thing about SuSE is: You actually don’t need any documentation as (almost) everything works out of the box :)