SkyOS Application (De)Installation Technique Explained

Interesting approach, leveraging file attributes combined with fast file searching:

SkyOS Application (De)Installation Technique Explained

Looks like SkyOS (videos and nice wallpapers) is pretty innovative in other fields as well. For example, I like the fact that its Live-Query application doesn’t hide the query language from its users. It would be nice if Google and co. were esteeming and supporting power users too (I’m still waiting for a search engine that offers a public regexp interface).

Steve Fossett: Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer

Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer : Home Page:

Mission Status: HALFWAY. 07:01:33 UTC at Mission Control. Elapsed Journey time: 30 hours 15 minutes 06 seconds. Distance covered approximately 9,841 nautical miles.

Steve has made it halfway, and is pleased with the progress he has made. He is 275 miles west of Kolkatta (Culcutta) and currently traveling at 300 knots/ 345 mph (ground speed).

At 10:03 UTC (93.4°, 300.00 kts, 46,801 ft, E79.05624, N23.23235) he’s right at the border of PR China (Mission Tracking Page). I hope he will make it! I find it very remarkable that a multimillionaire like Steve Fossett is risking his own life for this great challenge. Good luck! :)

Update: He did it, after about 67 hrs in the air! Congrats!

How to “reset” a Mac OS X installation

Here’s how to “reset” an installed Mac OS X and virtually return to a “virgin” state with a welcome screen prompting the user to setup and customize his Mac OS X installation:

0. To reset a Mac OS X v10.7 Lion installation to factory default, check Mark’s comment @ Apple forum (basically, deleting users before booting into single user mode seems to do the trick). For Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard and older, follow the procedure below.

1. Press Command-S during startup to get into single user mode
2. Check the filesystem:
# /sbin/fsck -fy
3. Mount the root partition as writable:
# /sbin/mount -uw /
4. Remove the hidden .AppleSetupDone file:
# rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
5. a) For Mac OS X 10.5 ‘Leopard’ and newer, do:
# launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
Repeat for every user previously defined on the machine (replace {username} with the real user name):
# dscl . -delete /Users/{username}
# dscl . -delete /Groups/admin GroupMembership {username}

5. b) For older versions of Mac OS X, do:
# rm -rf /var/db/netinfo/local.nidb
6. Remove the home directories of users. For every user do (replace {username} with the real user name):
# rm -rf /Users/{username}
7. If applicable, remove already created files in root’s home directory, e.g.
# rm /root/.bash_history
8. Shutdown (or reboot to verify the procedure worked):
# shutdown -h now
# reboot

That’s it! :)

[Update 20081106]: Thanks to Macs R We for the update 5 a) regarding Mac OS X Leopard! See the comments below for more information.

[Update 20090429]: Added “dscl . -delete /Groups/admin GroupMembership {username}” to 5b) as suggested by rello (see rello’s comment below)

[Update 20110731]: Some updates about resetting Mac OS X v10.7 Lion (unverified) and a clarification that rebooting at the end isn’t strictly necessary (just to verify the procedure worked). Thanks to David, Adrien and Adam for the hints.

100 or so Books that shaped a Century of Science

Speaking of Knuth.. TAOCP is also mentioned in American Scientist’s 100 or so Books that shaped a Century of Science. The list dates from Nov/Dec 1999. It would be nice to manage reading through this list in a lifetime. Currently, I’m re-reading Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time. I wonder though, how much has been changed in this very important field since 1988? IIRC, there were a couple of breakthroughs recently.

Gentoo: Migration from devfs to udev

Some pointers:

The complete Gentoo Linux 2.6 migration guide
Gentoo udev Guide

* famd went crazy after the kernel update (it wrote about 100 lines of text per second to /var/log/messages). ’emerge fam’ solved it.
* udev doesn’t seem to recognize external USB drives that are plugged-in at boot-time already. So in addition to ‘hotplug’, I had to install ‘coldplug’:
# emerge coldplug
# rc-update add coldplug default
# /etc/init.d/coldplug start

goScreen 5.0

goScreen 5.0 has been released. Excerpt from the e-mail:

This version features
* application window layout management,
* possibility to start several instances of goScreen on multi-monitor
systems to manage different PC monitors independently, and
* possibility to create and use different configuration profiles in registry.

Layout management makes it possible:
* to define preferred size and position of application windows, and restore it with a single shortcut command;
* to temporarily rearrange all windows on the current screen page so they are all visible
* to find a window you need; once you find and activate it, all windows will return to their previous positions, with the one that you needed at the top of the stack;
* to pack all windows on the currents screen page while working with several documents at once – goScreen arranges them so they are all visible and maintains the order. Any window on the page is always one mouse click away.
* to temporarily move all application windows aside so the desktop is visible
* to open yet another document, or start an application. Once you do, all windows return to their previous positions.

I like goScreen. In fact, I almost can’t imagine working without it when using Windows. It definitely increases my productivity. I like goScreen’s licensing policy too (upgrades are free for registered users). The only trouble I have with goScreen (even with v5.0): Sometimes, the window list unwantedly pops up. I’d like to be able to permanently switch off the window list.

State-of-the-art skiing technologies, part V

Hm.. it’s getting a bit boring, isn’t it? “Switzerland: zero points”.. “Switzerland: 0 gold medals, 0 silver medals, 0 bronze medals”. Not everything’s that bad. By reading an article in today’s NZZaS, I’ve realized that there are some other, even smaller Swiss ski manufacturers apart from Stöckli (BTW learn German, dang it! ;):

Movement, RTC, AK, Zai: Neue Schweizer Skihersteller neben Stöckli

Auch wenn seine Skirennfahrer im Moment nicht brillieren – Stöckli [] ist in Form. “Vor zwölf Jahren bauten wir noch 11’000 Paar Ski – jetzt sind wir bei gut 50’000 angelangt”, sagt Beni Stöckli. Inzwischen werden fast die Hälfte der Ski aus der Fabrik in Wolhusen (LU) in 34 Länder exportiert. “Im vergangenen Jahr konnten wir uns im Export um nahezu 30% steigern”, erklärt Stöckli. Für das laufende Jahr hat er mit seinen 200 Mitarbeitern erneut ein Umsatzplus budgetiert. Stöckli erwirtschaftet zwei Drittel des Firmenumsatzes mit seinen Ladengeschäften, den Rest mit der Skiproduktion. “Rote Zahlen haben wir noch nie geschrieben”, sagt Stöckli, für den eine Verlagerung ins Ausland nicht in Frage kommt. Wer die Nase voll hat von den Grossserienherstellern, die stets bemüht jugendlich wirken und ihre Ski mit schreierischem Design verunstalten, findet bei den Schweizer Kleinserienherstellern Alternativen. Carving-Pionier Sepp Bürcher hat mit Andreas Hangl ein abgestimmtes System von Ski und Bindungsplatte entwickelt. Seine RTC-Ski (Ready-to-carve) werden in Brig gebaut, heissen “der Rote”, “der Grüne” oder “der Blaue”, sind als echte Carving-Ski kurz (128 bis 168 cm lang) und kosten 1180 bis 1200 Fr. ( Die Jahresproduktion liegt aktuell bei 900 Paar Ski; in zwei bis drei Jahren will Bürcher 1500 Paar absetzen.
Auf Freeride-Ski spezialisiert ist die Firma Movement in Vevey: Sie konnte in der vergangenen Saison den Absatz auf 5500 Paar Ski verdoppeln. Die extrabreiten Ski werden von den Snowboard-Pionieren um Richard Cattaneo und Serge Baud (Marke Wild Duck) entwickelt und konzipiert. Hergestellt werden die Movement in Oberitalien; sie kosten 500 bis 600 Euro (
Erfolgreich behauptet sich auch Aldo Kuonen ( Der ehemalige Rennleiter von Rossignol baut edle Carving- und Tourenski. “Ich bin im Moment ausverkauft”, berichtet Kuonen. 2500 Paar liess er dieses Jahr in Frankreich und Italien herstellen, gefertigt aus Schweizer Komponenten. Die Zai-Ski [] von Simon Jacomet sind Luxusprodukte von feinster Qualität. Die Nachfrage dürfte bei einem Preis von 3300 Fr. pro Paar beschränkt sein – die Manufaktur in Disentis hat eine Kapazität von 1000 Paar.(dah.)

From a sports perspective, the RTC and the Movement ski are interesting. Unfortunately, the price tags are rather exclusive too. Observation: The continued fusion between skiing and snowboarding. More and more people (including yours truly) aren’t willing to limit their fun to one particular discipline. They want to go snowboarding, skiing, carving, freeskiing and so on. Of course, manufacturers also welcome this development.