
As I didn’t have time to redesign the whole site for use with WordPress, I simply upgraded this blog to MovableType 3.01D. It went smoothly although there is still much space for improvements regarding the deployment and the upgrading path of MT (it still largely relies on manual file handling etc. -> if I were SixApart, I’d sponsor people to better streamline MT’s deployment with current operating system distributions – the lower the entry barrier, the steeper the adaptation curve – dead simple. Once you’re in, migrating to another blog soft usually requires considerable efforts and costs – see above. Well, yeah, there’s the TypePad business, but I tend to favor offensive strategies..). As a (positive) side-effect of manually upgrading MT, I could clean up the directory structure a bit.

Surprisingly, MT 3.01 (MT 3.1 allegedly even more) brings quite some improvements. The most obvious being the brushed-up admin interface which offers better usability and among others – finally – HTML shortcut buttons for Mozilla Firefox users too :) Spam protection seems to be better now: Anonymous comments can be moderated, there’s optional TypePad authentication and comments can be deleted effortlessly through the admin UI.

As a conclusion, there’s still the major drawback of a not-so-clever architecture (rebuilding static entries instead of generating them dynamically). Nevertheless I like the improvements MT 3.01D brings as much that I’m thinking about keeping it (instead of migrating to WP). Well, for now, I keep it – experience doesn’t hurt.

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