Global version of Xero expected by early 2009!

Wow, that’s what I call modern corporate communications and a quick reaction to feedback (see my earlier blog post)! Nice to see that Xero sets a new standard in this area, too.

Rod Drury, CEO and co-founder of Xero, just announced on the Xero company blog that there will be an international edition of the Xero online accounting system soon:

As you’d imagine, designing and building a proper yet fun-to-use accounting system that scales globally is no small task. Our approach has been to evolve Xero with the feedback of customers and partners in our initial markets, while building up our internal systems to scale internationally.

The plan is to have a global version ready by early 2009.

And there’s no doubt Xero will celebrate a huge success in Switzerland and all over the world!

5 Replies to “Global version of Xero expected by early 2009!”

  1. Daniel – You will be interested to learn that we already have Xero users in Lithuania, Czeck Republic, Russia and Ireland – all using the UK version of Xero.
    Great to have your feedback and it will not be long until Xero goes truely Global!

    Mark Hallett
    Xero UK Business Development Director

  2. Thanks for the hint, Mark. That’s interesting. Which currencies does the UK version support? As for the online demo at, I’ve only seen NZD (as the single currency and there’s no option to change it). Will there be migration paths between the different versions, so one could start with the UK version and migrate to a localized/internationalized version later? Further, are the templates for the invoices more customizable in the UK version than in the demo version (i.e. could I replace “GST” with “MwSt.”)?

  3. All our “International” customers are using the UK version of Xero without the need to change currency – how? Xero does not state currency in its reporting.
    You are able to change the demo companies country by going to the “My Xero” area and hit the “change country” link. Finally, local country sales tax – currently Xero only supports NZ GST and UK VAT. Our international customers are reporting their own sales tax manually at the moment….

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