spice up your note taking

not new, but only few people seem to know of this useful device:

pegasus pc notetaker

filling the gap between a classic notebook and a tabletpc. the pen movement recognition is amazingly accurate and reliable (i’ve seen a demonstration a while ago).

unfortunately, i don’t know where to buy it (preferably in switzerland). anybody?

[update: it’s available at conrad.ch]


4 Replies to “spice up your note taking”

  1. i don’t know whether it works with linux. i will try to make it work with linux, but to me, it looks rather proprietary :/ it’s usb based however. might be worth trying to reverse-engineer ;)

    today i just got mine from pascal. unfortunately we found it didn’t even work with winxp on my notebook, but this might have to do with run-down pen batteries ;) tomorrow i’ll check it again using new batteries. tbc..

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