A CD ripper/MP3 encoder for Linux

Currently I am ripping some of my CDs. The problem: It takes too much time. Fortunately there’s a very good CD ripper for Linux, unspectacularly called abcde.

With abcde, ripping your CDs and encoding the wav files to mp3 files can be reduced to the following two tasks:

1) Insert a CD into your CDROM drive
2) execute “abcde -o mp3” (on the console)

That simple. abcde rips the tracks, encodes them to mp3 format (with adequate settings like 128 kbit/s data rate) and even automatically tags the whole stuff correctly, using CDDB. I’ve already tried some commercial rippers/encoders for Windows, but “abcde” beats them all in ease of use, speed and quality of the output. Amazing..

Ripping CDs still isn’t a pleasure. But if you do it, do it right.


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