HTML in comments no longer allowed

As a provisional but hopefully effective additional measure against massive (24/7) comment blog spam any comments containing HTML links (<a href= etc.) will be trashed (just enter the URL instead). Thanks for your understanding.

Outblogged? Blogout?

..not yet, but almost ;) I need to find another anti-spam solution as by now, way too many comment spam postings pass MTB. And even those that don’t pass seem to confuse MT and leave my latest comments/pings list in a mess.

Promising candidate: SCode

Or should I write my own anti-spam plugin for MT? :)

Secure MTB’s e-mail notification de-spamming feature

A blog-spam notification e-mail sent by MT-Blacklist conveniently contains a link to de-spam the according comment. Unfortunately, all URLs start with “http://”, meaning that the request (and hence your credentials) are sent as plain-text. To force using HTTPS (encrypted HTTP) for anything related to MT-Blacklist, you can add the following line to your Apache configuration (this is an example, adjust it to match your server layout):

  # other redirects here
  Redirect permanent /cgi-bin/mt/plugins/Blacklist

and restart Apache (for Apache2 on Gentoo: “/etc/init.d/apache2 restart”)

Last but not least: GMail and GMailFS

Addendum: Opened a GMail account a couple of weeks ago (thanks to Moritz for the invite – pretty clever marketing on behalf of Google, BTW :) My add is mettlerd@.

Note: Please do not send any mails to that account yet as first I’ll have to define what I will use it for.. actually, I have an account with much more free space already (read: my private own mail server ;)

[*LOL*. Addendum to the addendum: Forgot to mention – The reason for posting this entry was actually the fact that Moritz made Gentoo ebuilds for GMailFS . Unfortunately, the Gentoo policy regarding libgmail/GMailFS ebuilds is very strict.]

New blogs added to blogroll

BTW I’ve just added the blogs of Jo, Stef and Huebi :)

If any other friend of mine is having a blog without me noticing it, just tell me :)

[Addendum: Note that a blogroll is only about blogs, not good old homepages.. so better get yourself a blog if you don’t have one already ;)]