Mouse Modding II – The Ultimate Gamer Mouse

After Mouse Modding I, there’s Mouse Modding II – The Ultimate Gamer Mouse :) Heavily inspired by Heeszel’s posting on ExtremeTech:

Another point is the MX weighs more than the MS mouse. The MS weighs 3.0 oz, and the MX510 4.3 oz. I opened up the MX mouse and found a small steel weight screwed to the top cover, approximately where the logo is. This weight is exactly .5 ounces. Why would they put a weight in their mouse? I believe this is done to make the mouse appear more “solid” or “quality” to the prospective buyer in the store. It certainly would do nothing for any other purpose, such as balance.
Below is a picture of the weight, which I removed from my mouse to reduce weight.

With the extra-weight removed, the Logitech MX510 Performance Optical Mouse is The Ultimate Gamer Mouse :) Highly recommended! :)

Disclaimer: You probably void your mouse’s warranty when doing this. You do everything at your own risk – do not blame me if something goes wrong. Unplug the mouse before opening its case.

Older entries on the MX510:
Logitech MX510
logitech mx510 optical mouse supported in linux 2.6.6
ergonomically nice mice

FBSplash for Gentoo

For the logs and Google (I use FBSplash for quite a while already):

(Inofficial) Gentoo FBSplash Howto
(Inofficial) Gentoo FBSplash in 5 steps Howto

Upgrading a FBSplash kernel once you’ve already installed one (procedure for a laptop/desktop or workstation -> you don’t want to use fbsplash on a server, do you?):

1. # emerge -u gentoo-dev-sources

2. # cd /usr/src/linux-{your new gentoo-dev-sources}

3. # make mrproper (just to make sure everything is clean)

4. # cp ../linux-{your previous gentoo-dev-sources}/.config .

5. # make oldconfig

6. verify the new kernel config (if required): # make menuconfig

7. # mount /boot

8. # make && make install modules_install

9. adjust /boot/grub/grub.conf to boot the new kernel. keep the old section as a fallback. a valid section for my box (with a 1400x1050 screen) would look like (don't copy this as it probably won't work for you. just take it as an example. note that the "kernel /boot/vmlinuz .. theme:emergence" line is very long.):

default 0
timeout 5

title=Gentoo Linux 2.6.8-r4 (new fbsplash)
root (hd0,1)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda4 video=vesafb-tng:ywrap,pmipal,1400x1050-32@60 splash=silent,theme:emergence
initrd /boot/fbsplash-emergence-1400x1050

10. adjust the /usr/src/linux link:
# rm /usr/src/linux
# ln -s /usr/src/linux-{your new gentoo-dev-sources} /usr/src/linux

11. # reboot

12. after rebooting, make sure that the correct kernel has been booted (see # uname -a)

13. remerge any kernel-dependent ebuilds.
if you use the binary x11 driver by nvidia, do:
# emerge nvidia-kernel
if you use the ndiswrapper (wlan; intel pro wireless bg 2100/2200 etc.):
# emerge ndiswrapper
if you use alsa you might need to remerge alsa-utils:
# emerge alsa-utils

14. if anything had to be emerged in step 13, do
# reboot

15. if everything works fine, you might want to remove the following things:
- previous kernel sources (# rm -rf /usr/src/linux-{your previous gentoo-dev-sources}/)
- previous kernel modules
# rm -rf /lib/modules/{your previous gentoo-dev-sources kernel modules}
- previous kernel in /boot:
# mount /boot
# cd /boot
# rm vmlinuz.old
# rm vmlinuz-{your previous gentoo-dev-sources kernel}
# rm config.old
# rm config-{your previous gentoo-dev-sources kernel}
- adjust /boot/grub/grub.conf accordingly (remove the section of the previous kernel)

have fun :)

De-spamming using MTB

BTW I strongly recommend to make use of the new de-spamming feature in MTB 2.x:

Instead of just deleting a spam comment on your blog, rather click on the comment’s de-spam link (displayed at the bottom of the comment in the admin interface) or on the according de-spam link in your comment notification e-mail message. The latter is probably the most convenient way to report a spam comment to the master blacklist. See Neil’s World – MT-Blacklist 2.0 RC6 Screenshots for some more information.

Spam is a distributed problem. Fighting spam is a community effort.

Mozilla Thunderbird and line wrapping

For the logs and Google: I just found out that Mozilla Thunderbird is pretty clever at handling line wrapping:

“To start with, Thunderbird/Mozilla is pretty cool because it really understands the text/plain; format=flowed content type. This means that you type paragraphs as one big line but the email gets sent with paragraphs wrapped at (something like) 72 characters. And then when you view it again, the line wrapping gets removed and paragraphs flow depending on the size of the viewer pane.”



An interesting new technology for flight:


Or as FanWing Ltd. calls it: “a revolution in flight technology” :)

Reminds me of another (even more revolutionary) interesting new flight technology, The Lifter Project. According to expectations, the efficiencies of these technologies are quite different. Whereas the FanWing
achieves an efficiency in the order of 20 g of lift per watt of input power, the best Lifters seem to achieve a lift efficiency of about 0.64 g/w (DC, not pulsed) and 2.55 g/w in theory (pulsed DC)