Swiss Gentoo derivative – Pentoo LiveCD

There’s a new Gentoo derivative:

“Pentoo” is an acronym for “PENetration on genTOO”. It is based on kernel version 2.6.10, uses the Gnome desktop environment, and aims to provide a complete platform for intrusion detection, penetration-testing and security assessment. The content of the LiveCD can be updated, allowing for
up-to-date fingerprint and vulnerability databases, for tools that require regular updates like the Nessus plugins, or scanner fingerprint files, metasploit etc. Users can optionaly store data on USB sticks for non-volatile storage support. Pentoo’s author, Michael Zanetta, emphasizes that “it
has to be considered beta as I have not much time to test it carefully,” so feedback and comments are very welcome, at A roadmap for the project is available, too.

(Source: Gentoo Weekly Newsletter: April 25th, 2005)


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